Evidence Matters

Issue 13: What’s Stopping You? Trying a New Reading Approach | Donna Hejtmanek & Mary Rudzinski Members Public

Donna Hejtmanek and Mary Rudzinski describe some of the factors holding back a shift in classroom practices and suggest some steps that can be taken to step off the current dismal trajectory to improve student outcomes.

Donna Hejtmanek Mary Rudzinski
Evidence Matters

Issue 12: Structured Literacy Approach | Sharon Scurr Members Public

Sharon Scurr explains what constitutes the Structured Literacy approach and how being trained in the approach guarantees better student outcomes rather than following a ready-made program.

Sharon Scurr
Sharon Scurr
Evidence Matters

Issue 12: How One Student Changed My Reading Practice | Jeremiah Short Members Public

Educator Jeremiah Short shares his story of how one struggling student led him to the Science of Reading research and helped him change his approach to literacy instruction.

Jeremiah Short
Jeremiah Short
Evidence Matters

Issue 12: Dyslexia Through a Family Systems Lens | Dr Brent Moore Members Public

Dr Brent Moore demonstrates how a dyslexia diagnosis not only impacts the person diagnosed but alters the dynamics of their family system and suggests strategies from the family systems theory to influence the stability or growth of the entire system positively.

Dr Brent Moore
Dr Brent Moore
Evidence Matters

Issue 12: Dyslexia from the Inside and Out | Dr Helen Ross Members Public

Dr Helen Ross, Co-Vice Chair of the British Dyslexia Association & Chair of the Wiltshire Dyslexia Association, talks about the impact of dyslexia in her personal and professional life and how her experiences made her choose her career path and has led her to where she is now.

Dr Helen Ross
Dr Helen Ross
Evidence Matters

Issue 12: Using Children's Literature as a Low Stress Way to Study Words | Fiona Hamilton Members Public

Fiona Hamilton discusses how educators and parents can get children actively involved in word study through the use of children's literature and provides practical advice on building children's curiosity and knowledge of words to develop their reading and spelling skills.

Fiona Hamilton
Fiona Hamilton
Evidence Matters

Issue 11: Compassion GR-AV-ITY | Dr Elizabeth Adams Members Public

Dr Elizabeth Adams talks about how parents of children with learning difficulties who have had similar struggles in the past need to acknowledge their past experiences and let the negative feelings associated with them go so that they can approach their child's learning experience with compassion.

Dr Elizabeth Adams
Dr Elizabeth Adams
Evidence Matters

Issue 11: Top tips for Job Hunting | Barry Walsh Members Public

Barry Walsh shares job hunting tips for neurodiverse individuals based on the strategies that he has found helpful in all his years of job hunting and being a neurodiversity advocate helping organisations streamline their process of recruiting neurodiverse employees.

Zahra Nawaz
Zahra Nawaz
Evidence Matters