Issue 17: Illustration Callout for September 2023 Dystinct Magazine Paid Members Public
In every magazine issue, articles written by specialists are accompanied by illustrations created by children. Check out the list of open available opportunities now and submit your child's illustrations for a chance to be featured in the Dystinct Magazine.

Issue 16: July 2023 Dystinct Magazine Paid Members Public
Dystinct Magazine's 16th issue: July 2023 covers inspirational stories from children and adults with learning disabilities (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia) and evidence based articles from leading specialists from the field of learning disabilities.

Issue 16: The Dystinct Journey of Smart Hopewell Paid Members Public
Smart Hopewell shares a poignant personal narrative in this article, delving into his personal experience with dyslexia while emphasising the vital role of support, effective coping mechanisms, and embracing one's unique strengths and passions in navigating and thriving with a learning difference.

Issue 16: A Cautionary Tale of Three Testing Issues | Dr Paul Beljan Paid Members Public
Dr Paul Beljan discusses problematic issues with the WISC-V intelligence test and its impact on assessing gifted children, specifically focusing on processing speed, working memory, and verbal comprehension measures.

Issue 16: The Dystinct Journey of Amanda Benavidez Paid Members Public
Amanda Benavidez shares her journey of turning challenges posed by ADHD and dyslexia into superpowers, propelling her success in various artistic pursuits.

Issue 16: From Outrage to Recognition: Educators Confront the Reality of Parental Trauma in Education | Simon da Roza Paid Members Public
Simon da Roza highlights the existence and impact of educational trauma on both children and parents and calls for recognition, support, and changes within educational institutions to create a more inclusive and compassionate environment.

Issue 16: Dyslexia and Anxiety - Our Family Journey | Heather Down Paid Members Public
Heather Down delves into the interconnections between dyslexia, anxiety, stress, and unresolved trauma in her family, emphasising the impact on learning and well-being while providing valuable insights and support tips for parents of dyslexic children.

Issue 16: The Dystinct Journey of Krishangi Shroff Paid Members Public
The inspiring journey of Krishangi Shroff, a remarkable 13-year-old with Usher Syndrome and dyslexia, who has overcome many challenges to advocate for inclusive education, defying low expectations and reshaping perceptions of disability.