Issue 15: Nature is awesome | Shane Feinstein Paid Members Public
8-year-old Shane Feinstein's reflections on his love for trees and how they inspire and help him at school.

Issue 15: Dyslexia: Creating a Safety Net at School | Dr Kelli Sandman-Hurley Paid Members Public
Dr Kelli Sandman-Hurley discusses how students with dyslexia can feel socially and emotionally unsafe at school due to their struggles with reading and writing and suggests adjustments that could make a massive difference in helping students with dyslexia feel safe at school.

Ten tips for parents to help their children become better spellers | Dr Jan Wasowicz Paid Members Public
Dr Jan Wasowicz provides some helpful tips for parents to help children on the path to word study success!

Ten tips for parents to help their children become better readers | Dr Jan Wasowicz Paid Members Public
Dr Jan Wasowicz provides some helpful tips for parents to help children on the path to word study success!

Issue 15: Illustration Callout for May 2023 Dystinct Magazine Paid Members Public
In every magazine issue, articles written by specialists are accompanied by illustrations created by children. Check out the list of open available opportunities now and submit your child's illustrations for a chance to be featured in the Dystinct Magazine.

Issue 14: March 2023 Dystinct Magazine Paid Members Public
Dystinct magazine's 14th issue: March 2023 is available to download on Apple and Android devices. The issue covers inspirational stories from children and adults with learning difficulties (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia).

Issue 14: The Dystinct Journey of William Jack (Pizza Rebillion) Paid Members Public
The journey of William Jack, the dyslexic entrepreneur behind the Sussex-based robotic pizza vending machine company called Pizza Rebellion that won the Best UK Business Innovation award at the Pizza, Pasta and Italian Food Association awards in 2022.

Issue 14: Without Words: Immerse Your Child Into the World of a Wordless Picture Book's Wondrous Artistic Adventures | Joanna Migo Paid Members Public
Joanna Migo demonstrates how the wondrous world of wordless picture books introduces children to metacognitive reading strategies while promoting visual literacy, imagination, and language development, paving the way for later reading success.