Dystinct Journey

Issue 13: The Dystinct Journey of Nancy and Catie Dressel Members Public

The story of Nancy Dressel, a neurodiverse mum who desperately tried to seek help for her children's ongoing challenges with learning difficulties for over a decade. When help finally arrived in the form of a 3-day EBLI workshop, it ended up changing her life too.

Nancy Dressel
Nancy Dressel
Dystinct Journey

Issue 13: The Dystinct Journey of Flynn Eldridge Members Public

The story of how 10-year-old Flynn Eldridge has found his "bright" and "quirky" back after a rough start to school. His parents, Carrie and Anthony Eldridge reveal how they homeschool their neurodiverse children and support them in pursuing their passions.

Zahra Nawaz
Zahra Nawaz
Dystinct Journey

Issue 12: Dystinct Journey of Henry Bates Members Public

The story of 12-year-old Henry Bates, a young ambassador for Dyslexia Canada who has a penchant for collecting antiques, creating sketches, and stop motion films

Zahra Nawaz
Zahra Nawaz
Dystinct Journey

Issue 12: Dystinct Journey of Dr Praba Soundararajan Members Public

The story of how Dr Praba took his personal experience of being dyslexic, knowledge as a neuroscientist and love for Tintin to write engaging stories for children to introduce them to STEM and visual literacy, which was vital in making a neuroscientist out of a child labelled as stupid.

Zahra Nawaz
Zahra Nawaz
Dystinct Journey

Issue 12: Dyspraxia/DCD | Emma Long Members Public

Emma Long, a volunteer coordinator working for the Dyspraxia Foundation, shares her experience of struggling to get help for her daughter and how she now volunteers at the Dyspraxia Foundation, which helps families in the region.

Emma Long
Emma Long
Dystinct Journey

Issue 12: Dystinct Journey of Justine Vilgrain Members Public

The story of how Justine Vilgrain, a successful creative strategist from Paris, France, who had a turbulent childhood due to the lack of support from the school system in France, is now working to make people with learning difficulties feel accepted.

Zahra Nawaz
Zahra Nawaz
Dystinct Journey

Issue 12: Dystinct Journey of Jacobo Díaz Polo Members Public

An interview with Jacobo Díaz Polo, a 15-year-old tech entrepreneur from the UK who is developing a fun and engaging educational app to democratise the intervention process for all students with dyslexia.

Zahra Nawaz
Zahra Nawaz
Dystinct Journey