Issue 13: How and Why a Structured Linguistic Literacy Approach Closes the Gap Quickly | Nora Chahbazi Paid Members Public
Nora Chahbazi describes the logic underpinning the efficiency of the Structured Linguistic Literacy approach and demonstrates how it differs from the two other widely known approaches to reading instruction; Balanced Literacy and Traditional Phonics.

Issue 13: On a Mission | Nora Chahbazi Paid Members Public
Nora Chahbazi recounts her journey of how she went from being a Neonatal ICU nurse to establishing EBLI and making teaching to read her life's work.

Issue 13: The Dystinct Journey of Flynn Eldridge Paid Members Public
The story of how 10-year-old Flynn Eldridge has found his "bright" and "quirky" back after a rough start to school. His parents, Carrie and Anthony Eldridge reveal how they homeschool their neurodiverse children and support them in pursuing their passions.

Issue 13: Journey to Structured Linguistic Literacy | Nicki Prati Paid Members Public
Nicki Prati shares how Structured Linguistic Literacy helped lift the burden of cognitive overload and lightened the process of learning to read for her daughter, who spent years unsuccessfully trying to achieve mastery using various programs based on Print to Speech approaches.

Issue 13: Supporting Structured Linguistic Literacy at home with games and decodable reading books | Clair Wilson Paid Members Public
Clair Wilson emphasises the importance of step-by-step progression in literacy instruction and lists some engaging ways of reinforcing instruction with games and activities to help beginner and struggling readers along their journey to independent reading.

Issue 13: Then and Now: How Linguistic Phonics and EBLI have transformed my literacy instruction | Jennifer Newman Paid Members Public
Jennifer Newman describes the various elements of EBLI instruction and how adopting a shift from Print to Speech to Speech to Print orientation has made a significant difference in her students' acquisition of foundational reading and spelling skills.

Issue 13: Another Way: How Can One Teach Decoding without Rules and Syllable Types? - Dr Marnie Ginsberg Paid Members Public
Dr Marnie Ginsberg explains the three key principles guiding the pedagogical choice in the Structured Linguistic Literacy Approach to teach learners, including those with dyslexia, skilled decoding without the use of rules and syllable types.

Issue 13: Dystinct Report - An interview with Donna Hejtmanek | Flynn Eldridge Paid Members Public
Ten-year-old journalist Flynn Eldridge has a chat with Donna Hejtmanek about her Facebook group, The Science of Reading- What I Should Have Learned in College, and her viewpoints on the Structured Linguistic Literacy approach.