Issue 14: Illustration Callout for March 2023 issue of Dystinct Magazine
Dystinct Magazine provides opportunities to children with learning difficulties to publish their illustration in the Dystinct Magazine.
Below is the list of callouts for children's illustrations to be featured in the upcoming March 2023 issue of the Dystinct Magazine.
Instructions to submit the illustrations are at the bottom. If you have any questions, please get in touch with me at hello@dystinct.org.
-> Deadline: 2-Mar-2023
-> Status = Closed
Callout 1 - Child holding a pencil and frowning hard with a large thought bubble over their head
Callout 2 - Child looking up at Mount Everest in fear
Callout 3 - Happy child riding a bicycle with one training wheel still attached and a parent standing behind holding a spare training wheel while looking at the child proudly
Callout 4 - Child showing a colourful busy brain inside the child’s head
Callout 5 - Teacher in front of a classroom of engaged students
Callout 6 - Few scattered books with beautiful illustrations on the cover
Callout 7 - Child with 5-6 masks or emoji faces above the child’s head depicting various emotions such as sadness, happiness, anger, disappointment, excitement, scared, etc
Callout 8 - Picture of a clockface and add depictions for school day activities (such as breakfast, school drop, study time, lunch, recess, school pickup, play, homework time, after school sports/activities, dinner, and off to bed) all around the outside rim of clock
Callout 9 - Picture of a hand holding a pencil making changes to the half-completed sketch of a young adult
Callout 10 - Picture of a child cuddling up with their parent/parents and reading from a book
-> Instructions for creating illustrations
-> Instructions for submitting your illustrations
Deadline: 2-Mar-2023
Callout 1 - Child holding a pencil and frowning hard with a large thought bubble over their head
About the Article
- Article Topic: Understanding Executive Functions - The Impact of Task Initiation Difficulties
- Article Context: This article explains how task initiation, an executive functioning skill, can be a genuine difficulty for many students and how educators can help students overcome struggles with task initiation in classrooms.
Illustration Theme
- Child hesitating before getting started on an assigned task.
Illustration Guideline
- Children can feel free to create an illustration as per their creativity.
- If you require a guideline, the child can draw a picture of a child holding a pencil and frowning hard with a large thought bubble over their head. (Text will be filled into this thought bubble when designing the article)
Callout 2 - Child looking up at Mount Everest in fear
About the Article
- Article Topic: Understanding Executive Functions - The Impact of Task Initiation Difficulties
- Article Context: This article explains how task initiation, an executive functioning skill, can be a genuine difficulty for many students and how educators can help students overcome struggles with task initiation in classrooms.
Illustration Theme
- Multistep tasks can feel like climbing Mount Everest / Fear of Failure
Illustration Guideline
- Children can feel free to create an illustration as per their creativity.
- If you require a guideline, the child can draw a picture of a child looking up at Mount Everest in fear.
Callout 3 - Happy child riding a bicycle with one training wheel still attached and a parent standing behind holding a spare training wheel while looking at the child proudly
About the Article
- Article Topic: Understanding Executive Functions - The Impact of Task Initiation Difficulties
- Article Context: This article explains how task initiation, an executive functioning skill, can be a genuine difficulty for many students and how educators can help students overcome struggles with task initiation in classrooms.
Illustration Theme
- Scaffolding builds up students’ confidence.
Illustration Guideline
- Children can feel free to create an illustration as per their creativity.
- If you require a guideline, the child can draw a picture of a happy child riding a bicycle with one training wheel still attached and a parent standing behind holding a spare training wheel while looking at the child proudly.
Callout 4 - Child showing a colourful busy brain inside the child’s head
About the Article
- Article Topic: Nurturing Neurodiversity and Empowering Neurodiverse Learners to Drive Their Own Brains
- Article Context: This article discusses the importance of adopting a strengths-based approach when addressing the learning needs of neurodiverse individuals and provides practical tips on how educators can ensure neurodiverse students are provided with every opportunity to reach their full potential.
Illustration Theme
- Metacognition (thinking about thinking)
Illustration Guideline
- Children can feel free to create an illustration as per their creativity.
- If you require a guideline, the child can draw a picture of child showing a colourful busy brain inside the child’s head.
Callout 5 - Teacher in front of a classroom of engaged students
About the Article
- Article Topic: Whole Class Teaching Lifts All Learners
- Article Context: This article discusses how robust whole class instruction at tier 1 allows all students including struggling learners to realise their academic potential.
Illustration Theme
- Good quality classroom instruction
Illustration Guideline
- Children can feel free to create an illustration as per their creativity.
- If you require a guideline, the child can draw a picture of a teacher in front of a classroom of engaged students.
Callout 6 - Few scattered books with beautiful illustrations on the cover
About the Article
- Article Topic: Without Words: Immerse Your Child Into The World of a Wordless Picture Book's Wondrous Artistic Adventures.
- Article Context: The article demonstrates how the wondrous world of wordless picture books introduces children to metacognitive reading strategies while promoting visual literacy, imagination, and language development, paving the way for later reading success.
Illustration Theme
- Wordless picture books
Illustration Guideline
- Children can feel free to create an illustration as per their creativity.
- If you require a guideline, the child can draw a picture of a few scattered books with beautiful illustrations on the cover.
Callout 7 - Child with 5-6 masks or emoji faces above the child’s head depicting various emotions such as sadness, happiness, anger, disappointment, excitement, scared, etc
About the Article
- Article Topic: Why is Emotional Literacy The Key To Success For All Learners?
- Article Context: The author emphasises the importance of developing emotional literacy in children, particularly those who struggle, to help them find internal motivation and overcome adversity on their path to success.
Illustration Theme
- Emotional literacy- recognising, managing, and communicating about emotions.
Illustration Guideline
- Children can feel free to create an illustration as per their creativity.
- If you require a guideline, the child can draw a picture of a child with 5-6 masks or emoji faces above the child’s head depicting various emotions such as sadness, happiness, anger, disappointment, excitement, scared, etc.
Callout 8 - Picture of a clockface and add depictions for school day activities (such as breakfast, school drop, study time, lunch, recess, school pickup, play, homework time, after school sports/activities, dinner, and off to bed) all around the outside rim of clock
About the Article
- Article Topic: ADHD, Executive Function Challenges, and Behavioural Challenges in the Classroom
- Article Context: This article discusses the social and emotional impact of ADHD and Executive Function challenges on learning, motivation, behaviour, and the family system and provides strategies for teachers and parents to support children with ADHD in the classroom.
Illustration Theme
- Structured and predictable environment can help children with ADHD
Illustration Guideline
- Children can feel free to create an illustration as per their creativity.
- If you require a guideline, the child can draw a picture of a clockface and add depictions for school day activities (such as breakfast, school drop, study time, lunch, recess, school pickup, play, homework time, after school sports/activities, dinner, and off to bed) all around the outside rim of clock.
Callout 9 - Picture of a hand holding a pencil making changes to the half-completed sketch of a young adult
About the Article
- Article Topic: Rewriting Stories
- Article Context: The authors narrate how they embarked on a journey of structured word inquiry with struggling students, thereby leading them to understand the power of the English writing system, fostering connections in the meaning and structure of words, and empowering them to rewrite their own stories with their newfound confidence and independence.
Illustration Theme
- Rewrite the stories of struggling students.
Illustration Guideline
- Children can feel free to create an illustration as per their creativity.
- If you require a guideline, the child can draw a picture of a hand holding a pencil making changes to the half-completed sketch of a young adult.
Callout 10 - Picture of a child cuddling up with their parent/parents and reading from a book
About the Article
- Article Topic: Shared Book Reading: An Activity for Children of All Ages
- Article Context: The article discusses the various benefits of shared book reading to children with learning difficulties and provides a list of strategies parents can use to promote their child’s oral language and early literacy development during shared reading.
Illustration Theme
- Shared book reading time
Illustration Guideline
- Children can feel free to create an illustration as per their creativity.
- If you require a guideline, the child can draw a picture of a child cuddling up with their parent/parents and reading from a book.
Instructions for creating illustrations:
- If your child can create digital drawings, that would be preferred. If not, illustrations on paper will suffice. (If your child can create a digital illustration please let me know about the software/platform that they will be using to create the file).
- Please create/draw/colour on an A4 sheet of WHITE paper.
- Scan the image and send us a clear image of the illustration without shadows. Please do not take a photograph using flash on your mobile device.
Instructions for submitting your illustrations:
Please email me your submissions to hello@dystinct.org with the following info:
- Short bio- 25-50 words
- Name of Child
- Age
- Location (City/Country)
- Diagnosis/suspected diagnosis
- 1-2 high-resolution headshots/ photos of the child