Issue 12: Where's Katy? One Mom's Journey from Fear to Freedom | Susan Beddingfield Members Public

Susan Beddingfield talks of her journey from fear to freedom as she learned to embrace her daughter's unique learning style and dyslexia diagnosis.

Susan Beddingfield
Susan Beddingfield
First Person

Issue 12: Dyslexia Through a Family Systems Lens | Dr Brent Moore Members Public

Dr Brent Moore demonstrates how a dyslexia diagnosis not only impacts the person diagnosed but alters the dynamics of their family system and suggests strategies from the family systems theory to influence the stability or growth of the entire system positively.

Dr Brent Moore
Dr Brent Moore
Evidence Matters

Issue 12: Dystinct Journey of Justine Vilgrain Members Public

The story of how Justine Vilgrain, a successful creative strategist from Paris, France, who had a turbulent childhood due to the lack of support from the school system in France, is now working to make people with learning difficulties feel accepted.

Zahra Nawaz
Zahra Nawaz
Dystinct Journey

Issue 12: Dyslexia from the Inside and Out | Dr Helen Ross Members Public

Dr Helen Ross, Co-Vice Chair of the British Dyslexia Association & Chair of the Wiltshire Dyslexia Association, talks about the impact of dyslexia in her personal and professional life and how her experiences made her choose her career path and has led her to where she is now.

Dr Helen Ross
Dr Helen Ross
Evidence Matters

Issue 12: Dystinct Report Interview of Dave Strudwick by Flynn Eldridge and Ava Eldridge Members Public

Nine and ten-year-old journalists Ava and Flynn Eldridge have a chat with Dave Strudwick, the owner of The Roofing Hut who has a preference for dyslexic employees. They find out how being dyslexic has contributed to Dave's success in business.

Flynn Eldridge Ava Eldridge
Dystinct Report

Issue 12: Using Children's Literature as a Low Stress Way to Study Words | Fiona Hamilton Members Public

Fiona Hamilton discusses how educators and parents can get children actively involved in word study through the use of children's literature and provides practical advice on building children's curiosity and knowledge of words to develop their reading and spelling skills.

Fiona Hamilton
Fiona Hamilton
Evidence Matters

Issue 11: September 2022 Dystinct Magazine Members Public

Dystinct magazine's 11th issue: September 2022 is available to download on Apple and Android devices. The issue covers inspirational stories from children and adults with learning difficulties (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia).

Zahra Nawaz
Zahra Nawaz

Issue 11: Compassion GR-AV-ITY | Dr Elizabeth Adams Members Public

Dr Elizabeth Adams talks about how parents of children with learning difficulties who have had similar struggles in the past need to acknowledge their past experiences and let the negative feelings associated with them go so that they can approach their child's learning experience with compassion.

Dr Elizabeth Adams
Dr Elizabeth Adams
Evidence Matters