Issue 15: Setting Up Success: How To Build Language And Literacy Skills | Wendy Savaris Paid Members Public
Wendy Savaris outlines the crucial elements required for successful reading and writing instruction and offers practical advice for educators to support learners in developing their language and literacy skills.

Issue 15: Achieving Educational Excellence Through The Science Of Reading | Greg Clement Paid Members Public
Greg Clement stresses the importance of educators being knowledgeable about current best practices for teaching students with dyslexia, and he advises parents on how to choose a school that is best suited to meet the specific needs of their dyslexic children.

Issue 15: Writing Sensational Sentences | Nancy Fetzer Paid Members Public
Nancy Fetzer utilizes her visual step-by-step “Writing a Sentence” chart to demonstrate how to explicitly teach students to write sensational narrative sentences.

Issue 15: Dystinct Journey of Bayley Garnham Paid Members Public
Bayley Garnham's inspiring journey from struggling with dyspraxia and dysgraphia to becoming a weightlifting champion and now a personal trainer who motivates people to achieve their dreams.

Issue 15: When Good Enough is Good Enough: Dyslexia, Intervention, and the Whole Child | Melia Keeton-Digby Paid Members Public
Reflecting on her personal experience of confusion and overwhelm at the beginning of her dyslexia journey with her daughter, Melia Keeton-Digby proposes considering the whole child and seeking balance when making decisions about the remediation finish line.

Issue 15: Dystinct Report – Flynn Eldridge’s Interview with Dr Dan Peters Paid Members Public
Ten-year-old journalist Flynn Eldridge has a chat with Dr Dan Peters, a psychologist, author, and parenting expert, about his work and life.

Issue 15: Is it Dysgraphia, or Is it Missed Learning? | Kelli Fetter Paid Members Public
Kelli Fetter discusses how a handwriting assessment can reveal why a child struggles with handwriting and how the insights gained can then be used to guide effective intervention.

Issue 15: Creating Neurodiversity-Affirming Families: Where Do We Start? Dr Joanne Riordan Paid Members Public
Dr Joanne Riordan highlights the importance of creating enabling environments that reduce barriers for neurodivergent children and discusses five questions that parents and caregivers can ask themselves to make changes towards becoming neurodiversity-affirming families.