Zahra Nawaz

Founder of Dystinct

Issue 11: How Dyslexia has helped me in my Education and Work | Barry Walsh Members Public

Barry Walsh talks about how having dyslexia and dyspraxia has defined him at various stages in his life and offers practical advice to individuals at each stage, so they can find success along the way just as he did.

Zahra Nawaz
Zahra Nawaz
First Person

Issue 11: Success At Seventy | Nicole Ott Members Public

Nicole shares the story of her seventy-six-year-old father, Bill, who has been making a sincere effort to learn to read for the past seventy years with little success but was determined to keep trying.

Zahra Nawaz
Zahra Nawaz
Evidence Matters

Issue 09: May 2022 Dystinct Magazine Members Public

Dystinct Magazine's 9th issue: May 2022 is available to download on Apple and Android devices. The issue covers inspirational stories from children and adults with learning difficulties (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia).

Zahra Nawaz
Zahra Nawaz

Issue 08: March 2022 Dystinct Magazine Members Public

Dystinct Magazine's 8th issue: March 2022 is available to download on Apple and Android devices. The issue covers inspirational stories from children and adults with learning difficulties (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia).

Zahra Nawaz
Zahra Nawaz

Issue 07: January 2022 Dystinct Magazine Members Public

Dystinct Magazine's 7th issue: January 2022 is available to download on Apple and Android devices. The issue covers inspirational stories from children and adults with learning difficulties (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia).

Zahra Nawaz
Zahra Nawaz

Issue 06: November 2021 Dystinct Magazine Members Public

Dystinct Magazine's 6th issue: November 2021 is available to download on Apple and Android devices. The issue covers inspirational stories from children and adults with learning difficulties (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia).

Zahra Nawaz
Zahra Nawaz

Issue 05: September 2021 Dystinct Magazine Members Public

Dystinct Magazine's 5th issue: September 2021 is available to download on Apple and Android devices. The issue covers inspirational stories from children and adults with learning difficulties (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia).

Zahra Nawaz
Zahra Nawaz

Issue 04: July 2021 Dystinct Magazine Members Public

Dystinct Magazine's 4th issue: July 2021 is available to download on Apple and Android devices. The issue covers inspirational stories from children and adults with learning difficulties (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia).

Zahra Nawaz
Zahra Nawaz