Dystinct Journey Ava N. Simmons (The STEM Princess)

Issue 23: Dystinct Journey Ava N. Simmons (The STEM Princess)

Ava N. Simmons, the STEM Princess®, transformed her struggles with dyslexia and dysgraphia into a thriving STEM business, inspiring children worldwide through her innovative experiments and educational toys, while showing that challenges don’t define one’s future.

Zahra Nawaz Ava N. Simmons Tita Simmons

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This article was published in Dystinct Magazine Issue 23 September 2024.
Ava N. Simmons - STEM Princess® [teamgeniussquadinc.com]
Ava N. Simmons faced her share of struggles in school - acting out, getting sent to the principal's office, and feeling out of place when it came to reading. But Ava wasn't just being difficult; there was more going on beneath the surface.
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Ava's Story

Ava's Story

In 2020, at just eight years old, Ava struggled with growing frustration as she fell behind her peers in reading. Ava's behaviour and her difficulties with reading puzzled her teachers and principal, leading them to suspect "ADHD or behavioural issues." Despite Ava mentioning that she had "trouble reading and that the words moved slightly," the school dismissed these signs. Rather than accepting labels or limitations, Ava's mum, Tita (Tia) Simmons, saw a chance to turn Ava's interests into something that could help her learn. Tia knew that the key was making learning enjoyable. "From a young age, Ava loved STEM activities like being a doctor or building Legos. As I am not an educator, I thought I could only help Ava by finding something she enjoyed and incorporating some learning activities," Tia shares.

Knowing how much Ava loved YouTube and STEM activities, Tia suggested to Ava, "If you research an experiment and write a script, I will record you and put it on YouTube so you can be just like the individuals you watch on YouTube." Ava jumped at the chance to explore kid-friendly STEM experiments while also working on her reading and writing.

Ava started with simple experiments, like launching rockets and mixing baking soda and vinegar to create mini explosions. These activities not only grabbed her attention but also boosted her confidence and helped her improve academically. "Instead of learning boringly, it gives me fun things to do," Ava explains. The hands-on nature of STEM made learning feel less like a chore and more like an adventure. As Ava's experiments grew more creative, so did her YouTube channel, earning her the fitting title of STEM Princess®. Tia's idea was a hit, quickly becoming a family project that soon became an internet sensation.

Instead of learning boringly, it gives me fun things to do!

Despite the success of her YouTube channel, Ava's struggles at school with reading persisted. The situation worsened as classmates began teasing her for not keeping up with the others. Frustrated by the long wait for school-based testing, Tia sought an external psychologist to assess Ava for "ADHD, reading and math issues, and gifts."

The initial assessment in 2021 confirmed that Ava had a specific learning disorder related to reading, but it wasn't until two years later when her progress in school remained slow, that a more comprehensive evaluation was done. Tia noticed Ava "would spell backward and write letters and numbers out of order" when doing homework. Concerned, she had Ava reassessed with a different psychologist. This time, the diagnosis was clear: Ava had both dyslexia and dysgraphia. Reflecting on the moment, Tia explains, "Honestly, we were both relieved to identify the issue. It felt so uncomfortable not knowing why Ava experienced a sudden behaviour change."

Her classmates began teasing her for not keeping up with the others.

Receiving a diagnosis was just the beginning of Ava's transformation. With a name for her struggles, Ava and her family could finally begin to navigate her learning journey with a clearer understanding. Yet, the road wasn't easy. Despite having a diagnosis, Ava faced resistance from her school when it came to getting the support she needed. The school initially denied her an Individualised Education Program (IEP), claiming that "she was too bright for special education services."

Tia and Ava attempted to work with the school's accommodations, like extra time on tests and sitting at the front of the class. However, it quickly became clear that the staff lacked the proper training to support children with learning disabilities. Even after Ava was reassessed and diagnosed with both dyslexia and dysgraphia, the school continued to deny her an IEP. It wasn't until Tia demanded intervention based on Ava's disappointing end-of-year test scores that the school finally agreed to implement an IEP. Unfortunately, this support came too late - only in the last six months of the school year - meaning Ava didn't fully benefit from the accommodations. Recognising the limitations of the school, Tia decided to use profits from Ava's growing business to enrol her in a local school specifically designed for children with dyslexia, where Ava could finally receive the support, she needed to thrive.

The change of schools was a game-changer for Ava. Finally, she was in a place where the teachers really understood her challenges and knew how to help her. With the right support and a personalised approach, Ava started to thrive, both in school and in her personal life. Her confidence soared - not just as a student but also as an entrepreneur. The success of her YouTube channel, where she kept sharing fun STEM experiments, gave her a platform to inspire other kids facing similar struggles.

My sister Chynah Jeter and I did an amazing thing! Our cost-effective Educational S.T.E.M. Kits that we started with wire and plastic pouches at our kitchen table, are now available on store shelves.

Ava's journey took an exciting turn as her passion for STEM and her natural entrepreneurial spirit grew into something much larger. What started as a simple idea at the kitchen table with a roll of wire, alligator clips, and plastic pouches quickly evolved beyond anyone's expectations. Together with her sister, Chynah Jeter, Ava transformed their shared passion for STEM into Team Genius Squad, Inc., a nonprofit dedicated to helping kids like Ava overcome personal and educational challenges through science, technology, engineering, and math. Their home-based project blossomed into a comprehensive educational toy line featuring puzzles, colouring books, apparel, and experiment lab kits, making STEM activities accessible and affordable for children. This venture has now secured retail partnerships across the United States and Canada, bringing their products to store shelves and inspiring kids everywhere.

This has really brought our family closer together as we realise how much good we can do and the impact we have on the world as a collective unit.

The growth of Team Genius Squad has been a true family affair. Ava's dad, a postal worker by day, doubles as the Safety Guy, always ready with an extra fire extinguisher for experiments involving fire or chemicals. Her sister Chynah directs the videos, while her mom and grandmother handle the video editing. Even the family dog, Shelby, a mini labradoodle, plays a part as the Chief Photobomber. "Our family helps Ava and Team Genius Squad by supporting her as her assistants at in-person events when she experiments with children one-on-one," Tia explains. Whether it's bringing Ava's toy ideas to life or managing her online and retail store orders, the whole family pitches in. "This has really brought our family closer together as we realise how much good we can do and the impact we have on the world as a collective unit," she adds. This close-knit team has helped Ava's business not only thrive but also reach new heights, with features on CBS News, Fox, Forbes, NBC, and more.

Ava’s entrepreneurial journey has expanded far beyond her YouTube channel, with her company, Team Genius Squad, engaging in numerous impactful ventures. To date, they have completed over 3,000 in-person STEM experiments, reaching over 600,000 viewers and amassing 150,000 followers across social media platforms. Ava and her team travel with a Mobile STEM Lab, setting up at events to provide hands-on learning experiences. Their projects include the Youth Entrepreneurship Experience, which teaches children STEM principles, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy through interactive sessions, and the Children’s Author Self-Publishing Experience, where participants learn the process of creating and publishing a book. Additionally, Ava's Literacy & STEM Experience takes her all over the U.S., where she mixes fun hands-on experiments with lessons in reading and science, all while showing kids that learning can be both empowering and fun.

Looking ahead, the Simmons family envisions even bigger things for Team Genius Squad. "We see Team Genius Squad evolving to be placed in large retailers around the world and being part of the educational school systems as a required STEM curriculum for kids ages 3-10," Tia shares. Their goals are ambitious, but with their ongoing commitment to spreading the word through Ava's YouTube channel and partnering with significant organisations, they plan to reach more families and continue to grow their influence.

The most rewarding part for me is seeing her find a learning style that works for her and now be able to read.

The most rewarding part of this journey, according to Tia, has been seeing Ava grow not just as an entrepreneur but as a person. "The most rewarding for me is seeing her find a learning style that works for her and now be able to read," Tia says. Ava's improvement in her presentation and social skills has also been remarkable, and her journey has transformed the family's life, with Ava now seen as an ambassador of change within their community. "The journey hasn't impacted our family life other than us staying busy doing things she loves," Tia reflects.

Balancing Ava's educational journey with her entrepreneurial activities is no small task, but the family has found a rhythm that works for them. "We manage it by completing most of Ava's activities in the summer and allowing her to choose which activities she would like to do during the school year," Tia explains. Ava's schedule is designed to ensure she has time for school, play, and business, with activities only taking place on weekends during the school year if she chooses. This approach has allowed Ava to thrive in both her academic pursuits and her growing business, all while staying grounded in the things she loves.

As Ava's journey shows, embracing a child's unique strengths can lead to remarkable outcomes. Tia's advice to other parents navigating similar paths is grounded in her own experiences. "I advise parents to monitor their children for behavioural changes, ask them how they are doing often, and allow them to explore unconventional learning methods if they notice improvements in their academic or social skills," Tia shares. She emphasises the importance of constant encouragement and open praise for things that go well, along with spending as much time as possible with children when they are first diagnosed. "Just being there to ensure they are coping well with their new superpowers," she adds.

Tia also believes that parents play a crucial role in helping their children find and develop their unique strengths. "I think parents can support their children by demonstrating interest in the areas in which they do well," she explains. By focusing on their strengths, children can see their challenges as more manageable and less overwhelming. This approach has clearly worked for Ava, who is now not only thriving but also inspiring others. As Ava herself always says, "Never let your challenges define your success or future."

Ava Simmons

The Stem Princess teamgeniussquad.comLinkedIn | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | X

Ava Simmons

Ava Simmons | Stem Princess


Author, STEM toy designer, STEM ambassador, and the creator of Team Genius Squad, Ava is inspiring young minds through her innovative approach to learning and creativity with her book and STEM kit series.

Tita Simmons

Tita Simmons

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Dystinct Journey

Zahra Nawaz Twitter

Founder of Dystinct

Ava N. Simmons Twitter

11 y/o Ava The STEM Princess. Her goal is to help kids have fun while learning! S.T.E.M. stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

Tita Simmons Twitter

Mother of Ana Simmons - The STEM Princess


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